A strange crater in the middle of the Irish landscape: an observatory for observing the sky

If you ever tried to free yourself from thoughts, then we found the perfect place for this - Irish Sky Garden or Irish Sky Garden. Here you can feel the harmony with yourself and the world around you. At first glance, it might seem that the perfect oval in the middle of the Irish landscape is some kind of ancient structure. ...
  • How they worked at NASA in 1961. No PowerPoint and calculators

    No one will argue with the fact that rocket science is an incredibly difficult business requiring special education, deep knowledge, experience and enormous efforts. But, in fairness, we note that in the early 60s of the last century, doing this was hundreds of times more difficult than now. Today, any person can easily find out how much fuel he will need to get to the moon and back, using some application on his smartphone or find out the weight of Neptune, simply by typing a request on Google. ...
  • Cabo Polonio is a wonderful village in Uruguay where there is no electricity

    On the north-east coast of Uruguay, there is a small beach village of Cabo Polonio, which is surrounded on one side by a national park and on the other by the Atlantic Ocean. Its main feature is the complete lack of electricity. More precisely, only the old lighthouse, which is located on the outskirts of Cabo Polonio, is connected to the mains. ...
  • 20 compelling reasons to consider Canada the best country in the world

    Canada means clean mountain air, impeccable ecology, magnificent landscapes, large international companies, strong social programs, thoughtful legislation, high-class medicine and education, courteous and educated people. This list may take a couple more pages. We’d better stop and present you with 20 true and compelling reasons why the whole world is in love with Canada and it’s time for you to love it. ...
  • Hazaras - Genghis Khan-era legacy in the mountains of Afghanistan

    In the south of Central Asia, in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan, a very motley ethnic pattern has developed. Here, over the centuries, Iranian-speaking and Turkic peoples have mixed together, who penetrated here from neighboring and remote regions. One of the modern peoples of this mountainous region are the Hazaras, who have appeared here since the conquest of these lands by the Mongol troops led by Genghis Khan. ...
  • Atmospheric photographs of the USSR made by an American professor

    It is difficult to exaggerate when talking about the difference in the lives of Soviet and American citizens. Two huge states were sworn enemies who fought the Cold War for decades. At the same time, of course, the Americans were not expected with open arms in the territory of the Soviet countries, and in the USA they were suspicious of our fellow citizens who set foot on the "promised land." ...
  • Kivu Lake is the planet’s most dangerous pond that can explode at any time.

    There are many places on the African continent that pose a serious danger not only to inexperienced travelers, but also to local residents. One of them is Lake Kivu, located in the heart of Africa. There is clear clear water, and on its banks are resorts and numerous hotels. Looking at the calm expanse of this reservoir, it is difficult to assume that Kivu poses a mortal threat to everyone who lives on its shores. ...
  • Iran: the clay city of Yazd

    Yazd, or Yazd, is one of the most ancient cities of Iran, built mainly from clay houses (we are talking about the historical center). Mention of the city appeared in the III millennium BC. e. Being far from historical capitals, Yazd was able to avoid brutal destruction, due to which many architectural monuments and cultural relics of ancient times were preserved in the city. ...
  • 12 good photos, after which it becomes easier to believe in people

    In the modern world, every day we are surrounded by so much cruelty, cynicism, or ordinary indifference that sometimes you don’t notice how you get depressed, and in powerlessness you begin to reflect on the fact that there is no light ahead and that everything is only getting worse and worse. For such sad moments, we found a whole selection of touching and good pictures from around the world, proving that we should continue to love life, believe in people and, most importantly, to maintain humanity and mercy! ...
  • Vilnius. Soviet or European?

    The Soviet Union or the European Union? It is precisely such thoughts that do not leave one's head during walks in Vilnius, the main city of Lithuania. Two eras are so intertwined in this city that it becomes very difficult to understand the present location and time, 2016 in the European capital or 1990 in the Soviet province. ...
  • Scandinavian people were the most honest: scientists checked people from 40 countries

    Sociologists now and then arrange unusual experiments to confirm their theories. For example, not so long ago, researchers from Switzerland and the United States decided to check how the reaction of residents of different countries to the wallet is different. Wallets were with documents, keys, money and a business card holder. The purpose of the experiment was a test for consciousness, honesty and the desire to help a complete stranger. ...
  • 21 color photos of World War II that you cannot forget

    American Douglas Banks knows that photography carries value, regardless of whether it is color or black and white. Nevertheless, it is difficult to argue with the fact that color photographs, as a rule, reveal a little more than monochrome photographs. Small details (but no less important), which are often lost in black-and-white photos, in color suddenly become apparent and can most dramatically affect the reading of the meaning and content of the frame. ...
  • In China, there are trackless trains that operate without a driver

    In the Chinese city of Zhuzhou, unusual electric trains run that do not need rails in their traditional sense. This is incredibly convenient, since there is no need to lay rail tracks, and the city can afford a roomy and high-speed mode of transport. The city of Zhuzhou in Hunan Province was selected for the implementation of a pilot project on the introduction of rail trains in Chinese cities. ...
  • The photographer discovered a family of mice in his garden and built a mini-village for them.

    Recently, photographer Simon Dell stumbled upon a family of mice scurrying around his garden. However, instead of going for traps, he took out his tools and built a miniature village for rodents. And they, in gratitude for this, wonderfully posed for the photo shoot. Dell says that when he saw the first mouse, he decided to treat it with peanuts. ...
  • That's why to take a stunning picture while traveling, you just need a smartphone!

    Toronto, Canada Madrid, Spain London, England Aranjuez, Spain Toledo, Spain Madrid, Spain Madrid, Spain Lisbon, Portugal Barcelona, ​​Spain Seville, Spain Communication Valencia, Spain London, England Portugal Bordeaux, France Action photo Madrid, Spain Barcelona, ​​Spain Madrid, Spain Bruce Peninsula, Canada Barcelona, ​​Spain Bilbao, Spain Madrid, Spain ...
  • 10 incredible shots of Christopher Lim about what kind of Hong Kong really is

    While others wander aimlessly through the small streets of Sai-Ying-Pun, well-known in Hong Kong for their seafood markets and open-air shops, street photographer Christopher Lim stops at every step to take stunning shots and convey the unique atmosphere of this vibrant and colorful city. ...
  • 27 atmospheric photos about what was the journey by train in the 70s of the last century

    In today's world, people have different opinions about traveling by train. Someone is in love with them and is not ready to exchange for airplanes, someone considers it a waste of time and does not value the comfort and conditions of such a trip too highly. Is it a matter of the 1970s, when trains running around the old Europe were romantically beautiful, and ticket prices were very affordable. ...